Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Hyde Side Table

Here is my Hyde Side Table and a brief tutorial on how I made it. To get the full tutorial from Knock Off Wood click here.

I first set up my husband's miter saw then cut my wood.

Then I screwed my spacers onto my 4x4 posts.

Attached 2 of my aprons and supports:

Attached the other two aprons and breadboard ends:

Attached my tabletop pieces:

Then sanded and painted the table.

Sorry the pictures aren't very good. We are still working on the garage and I built this after work one day (took me about 3 hours)so it was dark when I was taking the pictures.

Hopefully this can inspire some of you to do something you have always wanted. Next project is the Farmhouse Table with the matching benches :D

Random Fact: In Utah it is illegal to fish from horseback.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Today I realized that I know nothing about decorating. I thought that I knew what symmetrical and asymmetrical meant but when put in real world applications I just can't get it. Erin at Fresh Nest Design explains the difference in her "Design Basics - Balance" post and I'm hoping that I will be able to use this to help my lack of skills.

I am hoping to get the Hyde Side Table that I built up here this weekend but I must not make any promises :D I have a brother in law coming into town tonight and on Sunday morning am running a race... yes, a RUNNING RACE! I was thinking that this would be a great way (by signing up and spending lots of money that I can't just take back because I decided against it) to get my butt up and running again but truth be told, it's 2 days til race day and the last time (and only time) I went running was 10 days ago... that was 1.4 miles and I died... the race is 5.7...

This will be me...

Random Fact: 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teething tablets and such

I always forget about these little wonders until someone needs help with teething babies. I came across them when my husband was having his wisdom teeth come in and nothing else was cutting it. Children can take up to 12 per day so of course my husband was taking about 30! They actually worked! I was kind of skeptical but I prefer more natural homeopathic remedies and this fit the bill so I am so happy they work!

Some random facts:

The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.

Rhode Island is the smallest state with the longest name. The official name, used on all state documents, is "Rhode Island and Providence Plantations."

and my favorite:
Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My many wonders

To list everything that I've already learned would be extremely difficult and rather impossible so I've decided that I will post the random knowledge I learn as I go. Most of these things will be opinion and I do not take credit or responsiblity for any mistakes on here! :D This is mostly for a fun read that I hope can inspire others or if that doesn't work, at least entertain them!

Here are some of the stuff I've learned recently:

Arm & Hammer Essentials Cleaner & Degreaser is by far the best!! cleaner in the world. The smell doesn't hurt the nose as well and! it's good for the environment since you don't have to throw big bottles away.

Crossing your legs does not cause Vericose Veins... good to know since I cross my legs when I sit...

Sleeping on your back prevents wrinkles. Dermatologists say that when you sleep on your side or stomach the "sleep lines" that form during the night will become your deepest wrinkles - unless I am prego, this is my new way of sleeping!

I can build things like a carpenter! and so can everybody else! Ana at Knock off Wood posts plans from Pottery Barn, West Elm, Land of Nod, etc. for you to build and customize all for less money! I love this site and have already built the Hyde Side Table. I will post my table later when I have more time and the pictures.

Hope you all are having a great day!